Managed Mutual Fund and ETF Portfolios


One of the most significant aspects of the Lamberson Knight managed portfolio, research and selection process is that it combines the benefits of asset allocation with a personal investment strategy individually tailored to meet your needs, rather than an impersonal multi-client, programed asset allocation model used by many wire houses, banks and other financial institutions.  Our process is based on an extensive in-depth review of your objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance, other assets and any other information required to design a portfolio which is intended to assist in meeting your goals and expectations. Each and every mutual fund, ETF or investment goes through extensive research and review before it is to be considered and approved as a position in your portfolio. We can structure different portfolio models ranging from conservative to aggressive or growth vs income. We employ style diversification, such as a growth vs value, along with asset class and sector diversification which may reduce volatility and enhance returns. When Lamberson Knight selects a portfolio of investments with you, we focus not just on the initial portfolio decision, but how well those funds perform and continue to meet your needs in an ever-changing marketplace.


                                               "Let's build a portfolio together"


                    Elements of Design


P0rtfolio Management

In depth Research                     Active Fund Managers           Asset class

Constant Monitoring      →     Passive Investments        →   Style             =   Performance

Market Cycles                            Alpha and Beta                       Sector                Diversification

Market Conditions                    Standard Deviation

Review and Assess


Balanced Approach


There are thousands of exchanged traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. There are several types of bond funds, large, mid and small-cap equity funds, growth and value funds, international, emerging market and index funds, among others.

Our research tells us that each fund or fund family, manager or sub-advisor has its own philosophy, market outlook, and strategy. Each manager or management team is responsible for following that strategy.

Our formula for providing clients with the appropriate mutual fund or ETF portfolio is extensive and based on a balanced approach.

The diversification and allocation of assets into various asset classes is determined not only by your objectives, but by our view of the domestic and global economy, market conditions, and market cycles or sector rotations.


                     Selection Process

Before an investment is selected, it undergoes extensive research, review, and monitoring. We continuously analyze funds overall performance, investment style, ratings, peer group ranking, objectives, portfolio holdings, expense ratio, tax efficiency, and many others. We also research the fund manager or management team for their current and past performance, tenure, and track record.  With such intense scrutiny, it is our goal to provide only the best of the best in  the specific ETFs or funds employed to build your portfolio.  Our asset allocation is based and tailored to your individual circumstances, objectives, needs and goals. 


                 Continuous Monitoring

Many mutual funds and ETFs have an established performance history and various ratings such as a one to five star by Morningstar. Even so, the fund's manager and performance can change at any given time without notice, leaving you exposed to undesirable risk.  At Lamberson Knight we continuously monitor performance, style objectives, and change in portfolio holdings of all our recommended funds.  We also insure that your portfolio remains properly balanced within our specific asset class recommendations and that the fund manager or management team has stayed on course with its stated objectives.  If any investments held fall out of the top 30% of its peer group or otherwise falls out of favor, the investment is put on a “watch list” for an in depth review for  potential replacement or sale. We make recommendations for any changes we feel are prudent and timely based not just on investments held in your portfolio, but on many other factors such as economic data, market conditions, sector rotation and their likely effect on your investments as well.  Also considered are the current performances of each ETF or fund as compared to its peer group, category or like indexes.