Mutual Fund & ETF Portfolios
Individually designed to meet your objectives, risk tolerance and timeline
Conservative to aggressive, growth vs income, preservation options available
Fixed, indexed, income for life and many more options
CDs and Structured CDs
Issued by many top-rated US and foreign banks insured up to FDIC limits
Life Products & Insurance
Term, LTC and more
IRAs and IRA Rollovers
Legacy Planning
Tax-free solutions for passing on legacy to loved ones
529 Plans
Tax advantaged education products
401k Plans--Cash Balance Plans--Design, Implement and Review
Full review of current investments in and outside plan
Design, plan, implement new 401k and Cash Balance plans for small businesses
Buy Sell Agrements
Individual Financial Plans
Helping plan for retirement
Complimentary Review
Annuities and CDs
Annuities can play a very impactful role in a client portfolio. The annuity contracts we offer are issued by only the top-rated insurance companies; many have guarantee of principle, all are taxed deferred, have a degree of liquidity, pass through to beneficiaries without probate and can generate lifetime income. We will spend as much time as needed to inform, educate, and advise you of all options.
We offer an array of CDs and structured CDs issued by highly rated and well-known US banks. The principle is guaranteed to FDIC insurance limits. The structured CDs can be extremely complex, so as in our annuity products, you will educated, advised and informed before any investment decisions are made.
Legacy Planning
We offer a tax-free solution for clients who want to pass their legacy on. The beneficiaries immediately receive a death benefit significantly higher than the premium. The transfer does not pass through probate and transfers to the beneficiary tax-free
Quarterly Reports
Statement of current holdings
Statement of net asset value
Report of all portfolio transactions
Client Service
Direct contact with portfolio manager
Individually customized portfolios
Explanation of portfolio changes
In-person & telephone meetings